Blink it and you miss it. FOMO is real. Trends that you know off are passe. Your go-to-market strategy is on target, but your consumer has just changed course.

This energetic, dynamic, ever evolving psychological environment demands doing things differently or re-package methodologies to seize the moment, the attention of your intended buyer. According to Gartner’s CMO spend survey 72% report that their spends on marketing innovation has increased this year and 21% of a marketeer’s budget is set aside for innovative initiatives despite cut in other areas. To stay top of mind and present during the customers purchase journey, marketeers are adopting digital first strategies, that are scalable and measurable, and have the reach among their target audience.

Innovation or in other words, being an Anomaly is increasingly becoming a way of life for marketeers and organizations alike. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a start-up, follow these simple steps to smoothly surf over the disruptive wave.

Understand how to innovate
With the blink it and miss it environment, marketeers and organizations are under pressure to do things differently to capture audience mindshare, to close that sale or as simple as increase audience engagement to your digital initiatives. It becomes important here to understand the type of innovation that will positively impact on brand image and business numbers. Working in collaboration with business heads or IT teams will give you the right launchpad to drive your initiatives as a team for better reach and impact. Also clearly outline what part of your marketing strategy will be differentiated and stick to plan.

Set a goal
Doing things differently is like tiding through unknown waters. You will hit the jackpot or things might not go as planned. Either scenario, be prepared. Know exactly the result you are trying to achieve and the time that you are going to stay focused and invested in the idea. It is an art to know when and how much to hold on to vs when and how much to let go. If you have your goal in front of you, the decision-making process is easier.

Innovation or Renovation
In our zest and enthusiasm we go all out and re-invent the wheel whereas we could have re-packaged an idea to give it the flavor of the season. To be an Anomaly, you don’t necessarily need to create from scratch. Understand what parts of your strategy need tweaks and renovate them to meet the new age demand.

Partner with experts
Remember, as a collective, we can make a bigger and better impact. Identify the strengths and weaknesses within your team. Take help from external business partners to reach your goals. At Anomaly, we understand your business goals, environment, consumer behavior and create effective, efficient and eloquent strategies and communication to help drive your business and marketing initiatives to greater heights.

Lastly, you need to always imbibe two virtues – consistency and patience. And victory shall be your’s!