Running your small business has its own set of advantages. The biggest one being, autonomy. However, remember what Uncle Ben said to Spiderman – with great power comes great responsibility. Behind the powerful exterior, a small business owner goes through multiple decision-making processes daily that can impact business outcomes. Compared to their large business counterparts, who have delegated responsibilities to individual employees, who perform their mentioned tasks and report results in a methodical process; small businesses are on a time and resource crunch most of the times. And functions that do not impact revenues directly, like marketing and communications are usually the ones that are ignored.

Staffing challenges for a small business are far more difficult to deal with than the larger corporates. For instance, an unplanned absence of a team member can impact daily business function, or an employee resigning can put you in a jam.

So, what are the things that you can keep in perspective while you are running your small business? Here are a few tips:

  1. Be a Leader

    Autonomy is good. But hiring a great team and leveraging their talent to meet business goals is not too bad either. Businesses flourish when you loosen the grip of control and let enterprising individuals decide what works in the best interest of the company.Getting on board an external team of talented individuals gives you a fresh perspective to mundane tasks eventually being a great business enabler.

  2. Don’t be too cautious to invest in resources

    This is an eternal dilemma – am I investing money in the right place? Do I need to put in money in this task? Do I need to hire this resource? Do I need to appoint a business partner?Well, if you have your mission and goal in front of you, you already know the answer to these questions. Invest. Hire the business partner, employ the accountant, put money in building brand equity and reputation. All this will eventually build into a strong force that helps you surpass business goals.

  3. Partner with experts

    Small business owners either want to do things by themselves or hire a resource who can don many hats and does what is asked out of them. This is a strategy for disaster. An organisation is built with a thousand hands and every pair has its unique talent that can be leveraged. And if those hands are external, not emotionally involved with the business operations, the better it is.Getting on board business partners and consultants, can boost business revenue and enhance brand equity. An external team of associates bring with them varied industry experience and they can be leveraged to accomplish your business goals. So, you want to hire a legal expert, tie up with an expert in talent acquisition, or, you want to build your brand awareness, tie up with an expert in marketing and brand strategy.Anomaly provides small and medium businesses with the power of an enterprise level team of experts that can help build your brand equity, drive awareness and sales and help you acquire the right talent that helps you achieve your business goals so that you can focus on the more important elements of business growth.